The national park and ride directory
Park and Ride information Guildford

Spacious car parks are sited at 4 different locations around Guildford and services operate every few minutes. Buses drop you off and collect you by the Friary shopping centre.

legoland park and ride marker Spectrum Park and Ride GPS GU1 1UP
legoland park and ride marker Artington Park and Ride GPS GU3 1LP
legoland park and ride marker Merrow Park and Ride GPS GU4 7AA
legoland park and ride marker Onslow Park and Ride GPS GU2 7AD

The easiest way to reach Guildford town centre is by using Park and Ride.

For more detailed information click here

View Guildford Park and Ride in a larger map

number of park and ride sites: 4

other information:

Spectrum Monday-Friday, 7:27am-11:10pm
Artington Monday-Saturday, 7:30am-7:30pm, every 10-12 minutes
Merrow Monday-Saturday, 7:30am-7:33pm, every 15 minutes
Onslow Monday-Saturday, 7:30am-7pm every 15 minutes, 550 spaces

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